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Books Safe

Books are safes for storing money and decorated, comfortable and completely inconspicuous.

Книга сейф Английский словарь 18 см (бежевый)
Книга сейф Английский словарь 18 см (бежевый)
400 грн
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Книга сейф Английский словарь 18 см (черный)
Книга сейф Английский словарь 18 см (черный)
400 грн

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it is desirable for a woman to focus on books decorated in a romantic style, for men - in the form of a historical novel or chronicle. Presenting a safe book, it will be useful to put a small surprise in it - a banknote, sweets or a postcard.
A small safe for money and jewelry is a practical and rewarding thing. Choosing for yourself a convenient, small-sized box for storing valuables, it is worth stopping at the cash box. A reliable lock, several compartments, a carrying handle are the features that allow you to use such a safe not only for your own interests, but also for business purposes.
In our online store you can buy gifts wholesale and retail. A varied assortment of goods, attractive prices and the ability to place an order quickly and at any time will turn the search for a gift into a pleasant and exciting experience.