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Gift Baskets

Gift sets for men and women for the New Year 2021. Interesting and unusual gifts. You can assemble your kit, just when placing an order, indicate what you want to add or remove from the kit. There is a flexible system of discounts for corporate orders. Clarify all your questions with a consultant. We are a workshop that can brand any set.

Подарочный набор Новогодняя ёлка
Подарочный набор Новогодняя ёлка
1 568 грн
Fast order

Our online store forus provides you with a good selection of gift sets, of different themes, for different purposes and different price categories, so that you can choose the souvenir that suits you best. Buying such wonderful gift sets, you buy in addition to it a piece of warmth and attention, which makes it a unique and best gift.
On our website Forus.com.ua, you can buy a creative gift set for absolutely any occasion. Our online store Forus works throughout Ukraine, in Kiev there is a courier delivery and self-pickup. In our store, you can buy gift sets for men and souvenirs for everyone, for every taste, for any occasion and without, not expensive and with excellent quality.
It is in your hands to surprise, in ours to make this task easier for you.