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Girl on New Year

Present the embodiment of your feelings, care and attention, made in the form of graceful and delicate angelic figurines. Each of the figures will not only decorate any interior and maintain a festive atmosphere, but also become a silent reminder of your deep sincere feelings for your beloved.

Неоновый ночник-светильник Единорог LED для комнаты
Неоновый ночник-светильник Единорог LED для комнаты
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Стакан с двойными стенками стекла сердце красное 320мл
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Неоновый ночник-светильник Фламинго LED для комнаты
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Angel of Love or Angel of Miracles are ideal gifts for the new year for a girl. It doesn't matter at what stage of development your relationship is, but after such anxious congratulations, you will definitely become even closer to each other. After all, women really appreciate such manifestations of feelings and sympathy.

Don't want to give a deep, discreet gift to your girlfriend for the new year? Looking for something lighter and more light-hearted, but romantic at the same time? A funny figure "Fairy I love you" is what you need! The playful design of the composition will definitely bring a smile, and a short message will convey the main meaning.

We also know what gift to give a girl for the new year if your chosen one is the owner of a fashionable modern iPad gadget. Surely she spends a lot of time in his company and the new cover for the "faithful friend" will definitely please her. This is another original gift for a girl for the New Year from Forus. We have selected unusual options for the design of covers. They look very presentable, stylish and non-trivial.

Qualified online consultants will be happy to answer all your questions regarding the characteristics and features of the products presented, as well as help you choose a convenient method of delivery and payment.

Whatever gift you choose for the new year for your beloved girl , do not forget to present the most important words with him on the main night!