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To the teacher on October 14

Among our assortment you can choose presents from various categories: practical things (stylish beautiful thermos or thermo mug, wall heater, screwdriver set with flexible transition, key holder with stylized design); convenient and functional stands for various gadgets ( universal stand "Spider Podium ", table-stand for laptop "Etablе", USB-stand with heating for a cup in the shape of an apple );

Подарочный набор фляга из нержавеющей стали в чехле 2 стопки рюмки столовые приборы вилка нож ложка
Подарочный набор фляга из нержавеющей стали в чехле 2 стопки рюмки столовые приборы вилка нож ложка
1 020 грн

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Among our assortment, you can choose presents from various categories:

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